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Episode 6 | Healing to the Bones: Understanding and Recovering from Religious Trauma with Dr. Chacy Agnello
Working through the fear instilled in you by a fundamentalist institution is often a lifelong struggle for those who decide to leave. The fear and self-doubt runs deep, and learning to embrace yourself and the world takes time, practice, and a lot of unlearning. But it also makes for some pretty excellent jokes.
Episode 5 | The Fear of God (is kind of funny): Fearing God and Laughing About It with Celeste Hensley
Working through the fear instilled in you by a fundamentalist institution is often a lifelong struggle for those who decide to leave. The fear and self-doubt runs deep, and learning to embrace yourself and the world takes time, practice, and a lot of unlearning. But it also makes for some pretty excellent jokes.
Episode 4 | The Wise Seeketh Knowledge: A Conversation on the Power of Learning and Unlearning with David Cornett
Being the child of a Southern Baptist minister in a tiny Appalachian town doesn’t come without pressure, especially when it’s the church the previous generations of your family built from the ground up. It’s even more complicated if you’re gay and you’ve been taught that it’s a disease you need to hide.
Episode 3 | Provoke Not Your Children: Abuse and Its Tolerance in a Fundamentalist Upbringing with Sam Duffer & Debbie Brown
In many fundamentalist churches, “spare the rod, spoil the child” is just part of everyday life. It’s preached from the pulpit, and fundamentalist child-rearing books are littered with it. But what about those in the church who experience abuse most of us couldn’t even imagine?
Episode 2 | Suffer Not a Woman: Misogyny as Control on a Fundamentalist Christian Commune with Kelda Harrison
Growing up surrounded by the beauty of the natural world, singing songs with family, and not worrying about money might sound idyllic, but is it worth the freedom of choice?
Episode 1| Did God Really Say? My Story of Leaving and Independent Fundamental Baptist Life feat. Jenna Graham
“Maybe God is a little bit bigger than whatever institution is making you feel like shit.” -Amber