Episode 5 | The Fear of God (is kind of funny): Fearing God and Laughing About It with Celeste Hensley

Working through the fear instilled in you by a fundamentalist institution is often a lifelong struggle for those who decide to leave. The fear and self-doubt runs deep, and learning to embrace yourself and the world takes time, practice, and a lot of unlearning. But it also makes for some pretty excellent jokes.

In this episode, I’m joined by Celeste Hensley, former Bob Jones University Student, future nurse, and an undiscovered comedian. Together, we talk and laugh heartily about some of the strange, ever-changing rules we’ve encountered and unpack the way we learned to be afraid of the world, ourselves, and God.



Episode 6 | Healing to the Bones: Understanding and Recovering from Religious Trauma with Dr. Chacy Agnello


Episode 4 | The Wise Seeketh Knowledge: A Conversation on the Power of Learning and Unlearning with David Cornett